These are pictures of a hummingbird baby that was in my back yard in April 2018.  I was able to sit on my patio and take pictures as the baby grew and finally flew away.  I hope you enjoy them as much as I did taking them.  All were taken with a Nikon 3400 and unfortunately shot in JPG instead of RAW.  I used a 70-300 mm zoom and all were shot at ISO  100.
They were around for April and part of May and then they left without saying goodbye. 
Anna's Hummingbird (Calypte anna) The female raises the young without assistance of the male.  
Anna's hummingbird (Calypte anna)
The female bird builds a nest in a shrub or tree, in vines, or attached to wires or other artificial substrates. The nest is round,   3.8-to-5.1-centimetre (1.5 to 2.0 in) in size.  The nest materials are bound together with spider silk. They are known to nest as early as mid-December and as late as June, depending on geographic location and climatic conditions.
The beginning
The beginning
A baby is born
A baby is born
Baby, April 11
Baby, April 11
Proud mama
Proud mama
Poking it's head out
Poking it's head out
Stretch it wings
Stretch it wings
Exercise 1-2-3-4...50
Exercise 1-2-3-4...50
Mom and Baby
Mom and Baby
more rest
more rest
Waiting to be fed
Waiting to be fed
Mom feeding baby
Mom feeding baby
Mom feeding baby
Mom feeding baby
April 15
April 15
looking around
looking around
Venturing away from next
Venturing away from next
I can fly
I can fly
Stretch my wings
Stretch my wings
Watch me go!!!
Watch me go!!!
How does it know about flowers?
How does it know about flowers?
Getting closer
Getting closer
Almost there, smells sweet!
Almost there, smells sweet!
From my backyard
From my backyard
From my backyard
From my backyard
From my backyard
From my backyard
What did you say?
What did you say?
In the Rain
In the Rain

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