Panimint Springs was a very perfect place if you have a 4 wheel drive high clearance vehicle and if you planned on this being your last stop before you left the park. The tent was perfect and all the night photos you will see were shot right outside my tent. I took pictures from 1 a.m. till the clouds rolled in around 3 a.m. I could have gone somewhere darker but this was good for a first try.
The 500 rule says to divide the focal length into 500 and that tells you when the stars start to move. (i.e. 24 into 500 is about 25 so if you take a photo with this lens for over 25 seconds you will see the stars to move.) If you point your camera north, the stars appear to move in a circle, east them move in a diagonal, west a diagonal in the opposite direction and south in an arc {see the last 4 photos}

My Tent and the moutains in the background

Taken out side my tent.

The more white you bring up the more stars appear

Everything was shot with 24 mm just different times

I open the ISO(light) up to 3200

you see so many stars

the longer the lens stays open the more you see

The longer the lens stays open the more the stars move

playing with light painting



