From Rapid City, SC I went to Flaming Gorge, UT.  This was probably the most pleasant surprise of my trip.   I had no idea what to expect and it was well worth the trip.   Just over the WY border, in Utah I camped for one night and if I had known what I know now would have stayed longer.   I took a ride in the afternoon and again in the morning before leaving for Moab, UT.
Th only night I had rain
Th only night I had rain
This drive was about a mile from where I camped
This drive was about a mile from where I camped
Peaceful stream
Peaceful stream
Tried dirred focal lengths
Tried dirred focal lengths
I did not notice the flowers
I did not notice the flowers
So fragile
So fragile
Hawk eying his prey
Hawk eying his prey
I can stay like this for hours
I can stay like this for hours
So quiet
So quiet
Iwas the only one on this road
Iwas the only one on this road
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